Tomwer relies on nabu to process the tomographic reconstruction.
As of today, the software is only compatible with Linux.
Step 1 - Install Tomwer#
To install Tomwer with all features, use:
pip install tomwer[full]
Alternatively, you can install the main branch directly from GitLab:
pip install git+[full]
Step 2 - Update Forks for Orange-Canvas-Core and Orange-Widget-Base#
To access processing wheels and the reprocess action, you might want to install forks of orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base. This is optional; the project works with native Orange projects as well.
pip install git+ --no-deps --upgrade
pip install git+ --no-deps --upgrade
Launching Applications#
After installation, Tomwer includes several applications that can be launched with:
tomwer appName {options}
If you call tomwer without any arguments, the man page will be displayed.
You can access help for each application using:
tomwer appName --help
Tomwer Canvas#
You can launch the canvas to create workflows from the different ‘bricks’:
tomwer canvas
tomwer canvas launches ‘orange-canvas’ with additional processing (such as setting log levels for some libraries). It is recommended to use tomwer canvas instead of orange-canvas.
To build the documentation, use:
sphinx-build doc build/html
The documentation will be built in build/html, and the entry point is index.html:
firefox build/html/index.html
Building the documentation requires Sphinx. If it is not installed, you may need to install it separately.
To generate documentation accessible from the Orange GUI (by pressing F1), use:
sphinx-build doc build/html -b htmlhelp
Tomwer with BLISS Bliss-Tomo#
Tomwer and Bliss-Tomo (a tomography framework for BLISS) can share information.
With the scan listener using RPC commands. When a scan is started and finished, it will send a command for Tomwer to process it. This requires the Bliss-Tomo framework to be activated at the beamline. Please check with the beamline supervisor.
Tomwer Installation at ESRF#
Installation is managed using automatix.
On the SLURM Cluster#
Users can activate Python virtual environments within the Tomotools suite by sourcing the script /scisoft/tomotools/activate {version} with the desired version. This script handles the node architecture and special version names such as dev or stable.
module load tomotools # or module load tomotools/{version==dev|stable|1.x} for a specific version
At Beamlines#
On beamlines, installations are typically done in /nobackup partitions. Locations can be found in
To simplify activation and launching of the Orange Canvas, a tomwer-{version} alias is usually created:
tomwer-dev canvas [options]