
class nxtomomill.tests.utils.bliss.MockBlissAcquisition(n_sample, n_sequence, n_scan_per_sequence, n_darks, n_flats, output_dir, with_nx_detector_attr=True, detector_name='pcolinux', acqui_type='basic', z_values=None, y_rot=False, nb_loop=None, nb_tomo=None, nb_turns=None, with_rotation_motor_info=True, frame_data_type=<class 'numpy.uint16'>, file_name_prefix='sample', file_name_z_fill=None, create_tomo_config=True, ebs_tomo_version=None, z_series_v_3_options=None)[source]#

Bases: object

  • n_sequence – number of sequence to create

  • n_scan_per_sequence – number of scans (projection series) per sequence

  • n_projections_per_scan – number of projection frame in a scan

  • n_darks – number of dark frame in the series. Only one series at the beginning

  • n_flats – number of flats to create. In this case will only create one series of n flats after dark if any

  • output_dir – will contain the proposal file and one folder per sequence.

  • acqui_type (str) – acquisition type. Can be “basic”, “zseries-v1”, “zseries-v3” or “xrd-ct”

  • z_values (Iterable) – if acqui_type is zseries then users should provide the serie of values for z (one per stage)

  • nb_loop – number of pcotomo loop for v1 of bliss pcotomo

  • nb_tomo – number of tomo per loop for v1 of bliss pcotomo

  • nb_turns – number of turns for v2 of bliss pcotomo ( <=> nb NXtomo to generate)

  • file_name_prefix – bliss file prefix name

  • file_name_z_fill – optional z fill for the file name index. If None then file index will not be ‘z filled’

  • create_tomo_config – if True create the ‘tomo_config’ group under instrument which contains metadata describing the acquisition (which dataset to read for rotation, translation …)

__init__(n_sample, n_sequence, n_scan_per_sequence, n_darks, n_flats, output_dir, with_nx_detector_attr=True, detector_name='pcolinux', acqui_type='basic', z_values=None, y_rot=False, nb_loop=None, nb_tomo=None, nb_turns=None, with_rotation_motor_info=True, frame_data_type=<class 'numpy.uint16'>, file_name_prefix='sample', file_name_z_fill=None, create_tomo_config=True, ebs_tomo_version=None, z_series_v_3_options=None)[source]#


__init__(n_sample, n_sequence, ...[, ...])



