
Application to convert a fluo-tomo dataset, after PyMCA (https://www.silx.org/doc/PyMca/dev/index.html) fit, into an hdf5/nexus file.

usage: nxtomomill fluo2nx [-h] [--info-file INFO_FILE] [--config CONFIG] [scan_path] [output_file]

convert fluo-tomo data (after PyMCA fit) to hdf5 - nexus compliant file format.

positional arguments:
scan_path             folder containing the tiff files
output_file           foutput .h5 file
dataset_basename      File prefix to be used to deduce projection file names.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--dataset-basename DATASET_BASENAME, --file-prefix DATASET_BASENAME
                        file prefix to be used to deduce projections
--info-file INFO_FILE
                        .info file containing acquisition information (ScanRange, Energy, TOMO_N...)
--config CONFIG, --configuration-file CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG
                        file containing the full configuration to convert from fluo files to nexus. Default configuration file can be created from `nxtomomill fluo-config` command

