tomwer z-stitching#
Open an interface to define and launch stitching along the z-axis (also known as axis 2). Stitching can be done on projections (Nxtomo) or reconstructed volumes.
usage: tomwer z-stitching [-h] [--debug] [--config CONFIG_FILE] [--use-opengl-plot] [tomo_objs ...]
positional arguments:
tomo_objs All tomo objects to be stitched together.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--debug Set the logging system to debug mode.
--config CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Provide a stitching configuration file to load parameters from.
--use-opengl-plot Use OpenGL for plots (instead of matplotlib).
Examples of Usage#
tomwer z-stitching dataset000?.nx
tomwer z-stitching vol*.hdf5