tomwer sa-axis#


The tomwer sa-axis command provides an interface to reconstruct a slice over a range of centers of rotation and compute a score for each to determine the best center of rotation.


tomwer sa-axis [-h] [--entry ENTRY] [--debug] [--read-existing] [--dump-roi] scan_path


scan_path             For EDF acquisition: provide the folder path. For HDF5/Nexus: provide the master file.

entry                 For Nexus files: entry in the master file.

read-existing         Load the latest sa-delta-beta processing from *_tomwer_processes.h5 if it exists.

debug                 Activate debug logs.

dump-roi              Save the region of interest (ROI) where the score is computed to the .hdf5 file (for debugging purposes).

-h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

Examples of Usage#

tomwer sa-axis nexus_file.nx --entry entry0000

How-to Videos#