
class tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.axis.mode.AxisModeMetadata(lockable, tooltip='', computing_constrains=(), allows_padding=False, valid_inputs=(), valid_sides=(), allows_estimated_cor_as_numerical_value=True)#

Util class to store metadata regarding processing of a mode.

Ease processing and display Maybe this function should be part of nabu ?

  • lockable – True if this value can be lock and process automatically when a new scan is received

  • tooltip – short description of the mode (to be used by the GUI)

  • computing_constrains – some constrain like need to have a 0-360 acquisition (so no Half acquisition)

  • allows_padding – does the algorithm applies padding (and so can the user provide some mode)

  • valid_inputs – compatible input type (pair of radios or sinogram…)

  • valid_sides – can a side be provided

  • allows_estimated_cor_as_numerical_value (bool) – can a numerical value (first guess) be provided to the algorithm

property allows_estimated_cor_as_numerical_value: bool#
property allows_padding: bool#
property computing_constrains: tuple#
property is_lockable: bool#
property tooltip: str#
property valid_inputs: tuple#
property valid_sides: tuple#