1.4.1: 2024/12/12#
remove ‘tomwer_processes’ and dependency on flufl (PR 869).
1.4.0: 2024/12/11#
- cluster
future supervisor ewoksify the FutureSupervisorOW (PR 883, 906)
- slurm
add walltime to the GUI (PR 904)
add warning for op[i]dXX users (PR 881)
- control
dark/flat: add an option to clear cache (PR 791)
data listener: add time stamp to the ‘observation tab’ (PR 863)
- data list
replace ‘send all’ button by ‘select all’ (PR 864, 911)
bliss data list: filter by default the .nx file (PR 920)
nxtomomill improve settings loading (PR 892)
- edit
ewoksify ‘ImageKeyEditor’ (PR 777)
- NXtomo editor
better handling of ‘unknown’ field (PR 795)
ewoksify the widget (PR 844)
- reconstruction
gpu: add an option to select the gpu to be used (if local processing) (PR 841)
- axis
Refactor GUI and remove internal layer to call directly nabu ‘estimate_cor’ function (PR 899).
Reworked ‘read’ to read metadata from the scan and removed reads from a third-party .txt file. Was useful (PR 789).
output nabu slice will now reconstruct in ‘reconstructed_slices’ and nabu volume in ‘reconstructed_volumes’. Better for publication to drac (PR 787)
- cast volume
avoid advancement on the given task task input instead of only on volume (PR 1294)
fix setting loading (PR 889)
- nabu slice
‘phase’ section is no more checkable (PR 915)
expose ‘exclude_projections’ field (PR 879)
- axis
handle ‘instrument.detector.y_rotation_axis_pixel_position’ instead of ‘estimated_cor’
- tomwer canvas
Forced the process supervisor to always be visible when the ‘canvas’ application is launched.
Fully removed volume symbolic link.
Update software stack version (PR 918)
- visualization
slice stack: rework inputs. Now user can provide path to a reconstructed slice directly (PR 805, 806 886)
image stack (widget used in slice stack or data viewer): add an option to filter urls (PR 885).
data viewer fix volume metadata setting (PR 907)
- drac
rework drac publication (PR 811, 902, 890)
- application
add a standalone application for y-stitching (pre-processing only)
improve slice stack CLI inputs (PR 806)
- Documentation
Improve documentation readability (PR 853).
Update documentation to publish reconstructed volumes to drac
- misc
remove code related to ‘add symbolic link’ task (PR 804)
now relies on ewoksnotify (PR 753)
move to __future__.annotations (PR 824)
move to tqdm (PR 838)
move to pyunitsystem >= 2.0
add an example on how to process volume cast on slurm (PR 913)
remove drepreacted ‘value_ref_nabu’ and ‘value_ref_tomwer’
1.3.21: 2024/10/08#
- slurm settings
fix updating of the ‘–export’ option (PR 871)
1.3.13: 2024/06/06#
- dark-flat copy
Improved copy behavior: removed any existing reduced dark/flat if they exist before copying (PR 799).
GUI: Added a ‘clear cache’ button (PR 791).
1.3.0: 2024/02/28#
- core
Added Task to create screenshots in the gallery.
- scan
Renamed hdf5tomoscan.HDF5TomoScan to nxtomoscan.NXtomoScan (PR 609).
- gui
Default colormap histogram proposed (PR 642).
Improved handling of existing Qt paths (PR 704).
Improved vignettes: users can now request a specific number of columns (PRs 622, 636).
- orangecanvas
Renamed ‘datas’ link to ‘series’ (PR 654).
- axis (aka axis of rotation finder)
Allowed user input from the bottom QLineEdit (PR 655).
Notified with background color if a line is waiting for validation (PR 655).
Provided access to the latest Nabu algorithm (Fourier-angles and Octave-accurate) (PR 689).
Extended access to the ‘near’ parameter.
Added alias ‘near’ to the ‘composite-coarse-to-fine’ algorithm.
Improved +180 angle detection: now checks both -180 and +180 angles (PR 621).
- cast-volume
Changed default output to uint16.
- data-list
Allowed user to select between two display modes (short or full URL) (PR 648).
- data-viewer
Set ‘histogram’ display mode to colormap dialog by default.
- future-supervisor
Fixed job conversion (PR 696).
- nabu slice
Allowed reconstruction over different planes (PR 683).
Added Vo and mean-subtraction/division deringer options.
Supported slice reconstruction over different planes (PR 683).
- data portal
Added first prototype for publishing processed data to the data portal. Not yet accessible from Orangecanvas (PR 647).
- saaxis (aka multi-cor)
Used Nabu-multicor instead of Nabu (PR 593).
Removed ‘tomo-consistency’ score to speed up processing.
Renamed ‘multi-cor’ in Orange (PR 838).
Added processing wheel when computation is ongoing (PRs 531, 838).
Renamed default output folder to multi_cor_results (PR 703).
- sadeltabeta (aka multi-delta-beta)
Renamed default output folder to multi_delta_beta_results (PR 703).
- slurm
Added proposed configuration for stitching (PR 640).
Allowed user to specify the value for the sbatch –export parameter (PR 638).
Allowed user to load modules instead of sourcing a virtual environment (PR 638).
Allowed user to request a specific GPU (PR 645).
- stitching
First official prototype for stitching, currently accessible only via the standalone application (PRs 618, 630, 656, 690).
- volume-viewer
Loaded non-HDF5 volumes in a dedicated thread to avoid GUI freezing (PR 676).
Added processing wheel when a volume is loading (PR 676).
- misc
Moved to silx 2.0 (PR 531).
Replaced HDF5TomoScan with NXtomoScan.
Transitioned to nxtomomill 1.0 and tomoscan 2.0.
Fixed colored logs.
Reworked documentation and migrated to sphinx-pydata-theme (PRs 673, 682, 684, 686, 705).
Provided generic output (e.g., RAW_DATA, PROCESSED_DATA) to several widgets (PR 867).
Added webhooks to trigger ReadTheDocs documentation updates on tag vx.y.z.
1.2.0: 2023/09/29#
- app
Deprecated dark-ref application in favor of reduce-dark-flat (PR 587).
reduce-dark-flat: Moved processing to a thread.
Deprecated dark-ref-patch application in favor of patch-raw-dark-flat (PR 587).
Added tomwer z-stitching application (early prototype).
axis: Removed radio1 and radio2 options, added optional ‘entry’ input (PR 530).
- core
- Multiple class deprecations:
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.sadeltabeta.SAdeltaBetaProcess -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.sadeltabeta.SADeltaBetaTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.saaxis.SAAxisProcess -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.saaxis.SAAxisTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuSlices -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuSlicesTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuVolume -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.NabuVolumeTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.darkref.darkrefs.DarkRefs -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.darkref.darkrefs.DarkRefsTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.lamino.tofu.LaminoReconstruction -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.lamino.tofu.LaminoReconstructionTask.
tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.axis.AxisProcess -> tomwer.core.process.reconstruction.axis.AxisTask.
tomwer.core.process.control.volumesymlink.VolumeSymbolicLinkProcess -> tomwer.core.process.control.volumesymlink.VolumeSymbolicLinkTask.
tomwer.core.process.control.scantransfer.ScanTransfer -> tomwer.core.process.control.scantransfer.ScanTransferTask.
tomwer.core.process.conditions.filters.FileNameFilter -> tomwer.core.process.conditions.filters.FileNameFilterTask.
tomwer.core.process.edit.darkflatpatch.DarkFlatPatch -> tomwer.core.process.edit.darkflatpatch.DarkFlatPatchTask.
tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyUpgrader -> tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyUpgraderTask.
tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyEditor -> tomwer.core.process.edit.imagekeyeditor.ImageKeyEditorTask.
- canvas
Added ‘helpdesk’ button to trigger ESRF Jira ticket page (PR 580).
Added more examples directly on the canvas (PR 564, 510).
- control
Added scan discovery widget: Search for scans (NXtomo, EDF, raw-bliss) in a root directory (recursive, one-time search) (PR 511).
Added NXtomo concatenate widget (PR 548).
Added ‘tomoobjshub’ widget (PR 590).
data listener: Activated by default when added to the canvas (PR 562).
Added email notification widget (PR 581).
data lists: Now supports copy and paste of a list of tomo objects (previously only single items) (PR 596).
- edition
- NXtomo editor
Added an option to automate edition (PR 524).
Added a warning when editing a link (external or soft) (PR 545).
- slurm
Added slurm job log collection (PR 509).
Added found partition to ‘slurm cluster configuration’ GUI (PR 523).
Provided a set of pre-defined slurm configurations (PR 582).
- reconstruction
- axis
Reworked projection deduction (PR 537).
Automatically propose coherent angles when ‘other’ angles are selected (PR 572).
cast-volume: Added input for compression ratios (PR 544).
Added reduce-dark-flat-selector widget (PR 597).
- visualization
- metadata
Leveraged tomoscan volumes to display slice (data viewer) and volume (volume viewer) metadata for all file formats (not just .hdf5).
Extended metadata support to non-hdf5 volumes (PR 543) – raw volumes still don’t display metadata.
diffviewer: Minor improvements (PR 525).
scan overview: Appended ‘scan range’ to metadata (PR 526).
Added action to display a frame in full-screen mode (PR 529).
volume viewer: Fixed issue to avoid loading all data in memory when possible (PR 541).
- helical
- Preparing for helical:
Added nabu-helical-prepare-weights-double widget (PR 547).
- doc
Added reference beamline tutorials.
Added examples to the user corner (PR 574, 594).
Added more examples directly on the canvas (PR 564, 510).
- stitching
Added first prototype for stitching (PR 463, 551, 595).
Added NXtomo concatenate widget (PR 548).
- misc
Added the ability to cancel jobs (PR 486).
Replaced multiprocessing lock with flufl.lock for file locking (PR 555).
Reworked future supervisor column management (PR 579).
Improved opening with ImageJ (PR 567).
1.1.0: 2023/03/24#
- NXtomo editor and viewer
Added NXtomo editor and viewer (PR 474).
- series management
Added management of series and the definition of a series (PR 375).
- slurm
Improved slurm job submission (using sluurp and updating GUI/future handling) (PR 469).
- nabu
Integrated CTF (PR 410).
Added management of centered_axis (PR 475).
- axis
Added an option to avoid cropping images (PR 478).
- cast volume
- Improvements:
Allowed users to provide data_min and data_max (PR 464).
- data viewer
Added display of reduced darks and flats.
- darkref
Used FrameReduced from tomoscan (PR 465).
- semi-automated widgets
Improved connection with other widgets: can now process Nabu directly (PR 479).
Added an option to save a screenshot for all reconstructed slices (PR 479).
- notifier
Added a signal tone (PR 490).
- miscellaneous
Added pylint to CI (PR 462).
Used ewoks docker images for CI.
Added a tutorial for using ewoks convert and ewoks execute.
Removed distutils for packaging (PR 480).
Improved management of the output directory (PR 488).
Removed tomwer.web module (PR 501).
Updated the default file to source for slurm-cluster (now /scisoft/tomotools/ stable).
1.0.4: 2023/02/08#
- data transfer
Avoided updating the created scan object (was freezing the GUI with EDF and GPFS - 5a7a8548).
- fixes
Fixed layout and Qt parenting issues (e0b65c63 & 589c8d1f).
1.0.3: 2023/01/12#
- volume integration
Integrated .vol volume to allow existing post-processing to work (ID16B).
1.0.2: 2022/12/20#
- notification widget
Added a ‘notification’ widget.
- data transfer
Moved processing to threads.
Rebased Nabu configuration file paths that are expected to be moved.
- fixes
- data watcher:
Added a try-catch on TomoScanBase.update, which could fail when encountering an empty file (due to Fabio’s new behavior).
Copied .xml and .info files to the scan directory if in /data instead of /lbsram/data.
- darkref:
Fixed notification when a new ref (dark or flat) is set.
1.0.0: 2022/11/08#
- integration
Integrated volumes from tomoscan (PR 394). Users can now handle a volume and process it.
- visualization
Removed old data validator and data viewer (deprecated since 0.5).
- control
Added edf2nx widget (PR 393).
Added image_key_upgrader (PR 396).
Added VolumeSelector GUI and orange widget (PR 396).
Upgraded datawatcher to allow searching for bliss scan and NXtomo (PR 406).
Added ‘single tomo obj’ widget (PR 409).
data listener: Added option to filter file names (PR 426).
- reconstruction
- dark and ref
Updated copy to fit new ‘reduced frames’ policy using tomoscan (PR 396).
Added ‘channel’ for the user to provide reduced dark and flat (PR 409).
Reworked volume casting to call Nabu volume casting and used the new VolumeBase class (PR 394).
output file format: Can now be redefined from NabuVolumeOW (PR 403).
- nabu
slice: Users can now provide angles_file.
volume: Output location and file format can be redefined from advanced settings.
Added Shepp-Logan, Cosine, Hamming, Hann, Tukey, Lanczos, Hilbert filter kernels (PR 421).
Added management of sino_rings_options (PR 420).
Added management of tilt correction (PR 437).
- axis
Fixed loading of cor value when saved in the .ows and bug with manual mode being locked in some cases (PR 450).
Added a +180 button to automatically find the associated angle when radio angles are defined manually (PR 455).
Fixed relative position casting to absolute (PR 457).
- sadelta-beta
Fixed bug when slice computation fails (PR 447).
- slurm
Replaced dask-jobqueue with the tomwer.slurm module (PR 405).
- other
Updated Python widget to handle a volume.
Allowed several inputs for some widgets (PR 446).
- miscellaneous
Removed pyhst binding.
First version with some widgets fully handled by ewoksorange.
0.10.0: 2022/06/27#
- core
Used the latest tomoscan dark and flat definitions ([scan]_flats.hdf5:flats and [scan]_darks.hdf5:darks) (!674).
Added normalization process to apply user-defined normalization to frames and provide them to Nabu.
- gui
Added normalization GUI.
nabu volume: Activated histogram request to Nabu by default.
- axis:
Reworked possible algorithms. If an algorithm can be done with sinogram or radios, proposed two values (instead of one with a sinogram vs. radios option previously).
Moved parameters to a QScrollArea (!688).
Allowed users to define the angle value manually (!702).
Moved input side-by-side with calculation to improve readability (!705).
Fixed issue with scrolling (!706).
- data list:
Fixed item removal (!707).
- orangecontrib
Fixed slice stack (!708).
0.9.0: 2022/01/17#
- app
canvas: Removed dependency on the orange3 project and replaced it with dependency on orange-canvas-core and orange-widget-base.
A fork was created to access the ‘processing wheel’ as an optional feature (payno/orange-widget-base, payno/orange-canvas-core) (!350).
- core
Adapted all ‘core process’ to ewoks Task. Ensured low-level compatibility with ewoks (!340).
- reconstructions
Added option to trigger reconstruction on the slurm cluster (!349).
Added a cast process to convert Nabu volume to other file formats.
slurm cluster: Reworked to provide ports dynamically.
darkref: Now saves darks/flats in darks.hdf5 and flats.hdf5 for HDF5 acquisition.
- gui
Added future supervisor interface.
Added slurm cluster interface.
- nabu:
Added interface to set the rings removal method.
Connected “composite-to-fine” algorithm.
Added the “None” method to the phase method to allow users to use other options.
- diffviewer:
Added widget to shift the second image.
- orangecontrib
Added cluster group with SlurmclusterOW and FutureSupervisorOW.
Added a “cast volume” widget to cast Nabu volume.
- doc
Provided descriptions of canvas objects.
Added streamline videos.
0.8.0: 2021/08/31#
- app
Added scan viewer: allows the user to display the contents of a scan and browse through it.
- gui
- dataviewer:
Integrated an instance of the ‘scanoverview’ widget to display information regarding the scan (e.g., number of darks/flats, energy).
Provided access to darks and flats.
axis: Fixed several minor issues with the color map and reset zoom.
Improved diff frame.
- orangecontrib
- widgets:
Added SADeltaBetaOW to compute a score from several delta/beta values.
patch-nx: Added a configuration entry (!346).
- miscellaneous
Moved doc to autosummary.
Migrated to setup.cfg.
Moved to pytest.
0.7.0: 2021/05/20#
- orangecontrib
- widgets:
Added AdvancementOW: Displays the advancement of all processes.
Added SAAxisOW: Semi-automatic axis widget.
Integrated processview.
- core
- process:
Added manager module to observe SuperviseProcess and display processes’ advancement.
- Axis:
AxisProcess: Integrated the latest Nabu algorithm based on sinogram.
AxisRP: Deprecated value_ref_tomwer and value_ref_nabu in favor of absolute_value and relative_value.
- SAAxis:
Added process to compute several centers of rotation for the same slice and Nabu reconstruction parameters, providing a score for each slice (scores include standard deviation and total variation).
Integrated processview.
- Nabu:
Fixed file retrieval when .tif was requested.
- scan:
Benefited from tomoscan HDF5 sinogram speed-up.
- gui
- DataList:
Allowed copying of text (e.g., scan directory, master file).
- Axis:
Improved speed (removed the reset_scan).
- Added Nabu algorithm using sinogram.
Updated the ‘Input’ tab: Users can now select from radio or sinogram and provide the sinogram line and subsampling.
When manual mode is activated, pressing ‘validate’ forces validation and ensures the displayed value is set to the scan.
Changed QLabel for displaying cor values to QLineEdit (read-only) to allow copying/pasting the cor value.
- nabu:
Saved processing log to the processview.
- volume viewer:
Integrated reconstruction parameters.
- synctools
FIFO is now a SuperviseProcess.
0.6.0: 2020/12/15#
- app
- canvas:
- Added edit submodule:
Added ImageKeyEditorOW: Allows invalidating some frames or changing their ‘frame type’.
Added DarkFlatPatchOW: Allows adding dark and/or flat to a NXtomo entry.
- Added debug submodule (!289):
Added random data generator.
Added tomwer object viewer.
- control:
Added volume symbolic link widget.
data listener: Added file conversion on a thread to avoid GUI freeze.
- darkref:
Added a –no-gui option and options to define the calculation method for dark and ref from the command line (!299).
Added image-key-editor.
Added dark-ref-patch.
- control
- nxtomomill:
Added an option to retain the last parameter provided by the user (e.g., energy, overwrite files). This will be cleared between two calls to the converter (!296).
Attempted to filter non-bliss files from user input (!296).
- datalistener:
Ensured that only one instance is active on the PC. Otherwise, displayed a dialog to notify the user.
- utils:
Reworked isOnLbsRam to handle either a TomwerScanBase or a str.
- reconstruction
- axis:
Added ‘global’ algorithm from Nabu. Works for both half-acquisition and standard acquisition (!295).
- GUI update:
Avoided reset zoom (!295).
Avoided validation when pressing ‘enter’ after manual cor editing (!295).
Sped up radio shift (!295).
Displayed both absolute and relative cor (!295).
- nabu (!303):
- slices:
Added subsampling.
Removed margins.
- volume:
Added option to compute histograms.
Slices to be reconstructed are now always set to ‘middle’. The value is no longer loaded, as it confused users (commit 947d475b31d2).
- dark-ref:
Added first and last options to select the first or last frame from a series of dark/ref frames (!299).
Automated settings for half-field/standard tomography (!294).
- visualization
- viewer:
Added an ‘open with ImageJ’ button (!298).
Reduced memory usage by limiting the number of images in cache (!289).
Added diff viewer prototype (!286).
- miscellaneous
Adopted black coding style.
- tomwer.core.process:
Moved timer, datalistener, datawatcher, scanvalidator, datalist, and datatransfert to control submodule.
0.5.3: 2020/10/19#
- core
- axis:
Renamed ‘accurate’ to ‘centered’.
Added global algorithm.
- orangecanvas
Fixed issues (commit 8a368fd7).
- miscellaneous
Reworked logs (!292).
0.5.2: 2020/09/02#
- core
Added volume reconstruction from Nabu.
- nabu:
Renamed Nabu to NabuSlices.
Caught Nabu logs (!273).
Managed .tiff and .jp2 file formats.
- gui
Added a new data viewer [prototype].
Added a volume viewer for Nabu volume reconstruction (!275).
axis: Fixed display of shifted images (#424).
viewers: Added timestamp (!279).
darkref: Fixed issue when adding a widget to Orange canvas, removing it, and adding it again (!265).
- orangecontrib
Deprecated old data viewer.
Added new DataViewerOW [prototype].
Added VolumeViewerOW.
Added NabuVolumeOW.
- app
- nabu:
Added interface to give cor (!280).
Added display button to browse reconstructed slices and projections (!280).
Added process application: run a .ows within pypushflow in a GUI-free environment [prototype] (!277).
Added ows-to-script application: translates a .ows file into a Python script [prototype] (!278).
- web
Fixed Graypy new API (!270).
- miscellaneous
Added dependency on pypushflow.
Managed HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING when reading or writing files using
Fixed some utilities using BaseProcess._get_process_nodes.
0.5.0: 2020/06/30#
- core
Completed compatibility with HDF5.
Added datalistener process: listens to a Tango device to retrieve the acquisition status. Also starts synchronization between lbsram and nice if on the lbsram system.
Added nabu process: calls Nabu to reconstruct slices and create .conf files for full-volume reconstruction.
- settings:
Added management of PyHST2_* environment variables.
- scan:
Added dependency on tomoscan.
- utils:
Added HDF5Mock.
data transfer: Deactivated for HDF5.
- gui
Added interfaces for Nabu, data listener, and sinogram viewer.
axis: Updated interface.
viewer: Added prototype of the next data viewer.
- orangecontrib
Added sinogram widget: used to compute a sinogram from an EDF or HDF5 (NXtomo) acquisition.
Added data listener widget: connects to a Tango device to retrieve information.
Added Nabu widget: used to reconstruct using the Nabu library.
Added nxtomomill widget: converts a Bliss HDF5 acquisition to a (NXTomo) .nx acquisition.
Added prototype of the DataViewer.
Added prototype of the new DataValidator (moved previous one to OldDataValidatorOW).
- app
Added Nabu application: GUI for calling Nabu or creating a Nabu configuration file.
Added sinogram viewer utility: computes a sinogram from an EDF or HDF5 (NXtomo) acquisition.
Added canvas application.
- examples
Added example, presenting a default workflow with Nabu.
- miscellaneous
Dropped Python 3.4 support.
Alpha version released on 2020/04/30.
0.4.0: 2020/03/06#
- core
Started compatibility with HDF5.
- scan folder:
Added TomoScan, EDFScan, and HDF5Scan. These objects are all serializable (using from_dict, to_dict functions).
- reconstruction:
- process:
All processes now return a serializable object (TomoScan).
- ftseries:
Removed dependency on Fastomo, using pyhstcaller instead.
Added pyhstcaller: generates .par and .rec files.
- lamino:
Reworked and checked calls to Tofu with Lukas.
Added pre-processing and stitching for half-acquisition.
darkref: Adapted to TomoScan object.
axis: New process to compute the center of rotation.
reconsparam: Replaced the previous ReconsParamRegistry with a set of classes (FTReconsParams, AxisReconsParams, etc.).
- utils:
Added scanrange file.
- gui
- reconstruction:
Reworked lamino widget.
Added AxisWidget (stack requested axis).
- Updated datawatcher:
Removed pop-up windows and embedded them in the same widget.
Checked acquisition type (HDF5 or EDF).
- orangecontrib
Links now use TomoScan objects instead of str.
- widgets:
Added axis widget.
- app
Added Axis application: computes the center of rotation from a scan directory or some files.
Added Rsync application: synchronizes a folder containing a scan with another folder. The user can specify a ‘point of advancement’ in the scan’s lifecycle, so only files created at that stage will be synchronized.
- examples
Added orangeworkflow example: common orange workflow with datawatcher, axis, darkref, ftseries, datavalidator, and datatransfer widgets.
Added datawatcher example: simple instantiation of datawatcher with automatic acquisition generation.
- luigi
Removed prototype.
0.3.0: 2019/01/08#
- core
Added simple Python binding for launching Tofu (currently only available for Python 2).
conditions: Introduced a new package to include conditions (e.g., folder names) on a workflow.
- ftseries:
Duplicated octave outputs to octave.log.
Enabled running multiple Paganin reconstructions with different parameters.
Created different nodes for loading image stacks.
data transfer: Added pre-transfer operations.
Created tomwer.core.scan package to include different types of scans (e.g., edfscan, hdf5scan) with specific treatment and interfaces for each.
- gui
lamino: Added TofuWidget to call lamino reconstruction from Tofu.
compare images: Used the comparison tool from silx if silx >= 0.9.
- data list:
Added a ‘remove all’ button.
Enabled handling of mouse drag-and-drop.
Added widgets radio stack and slice stack to record all radios or slices passing through the widget, allowing users to browse through them.
live slice: Embedded live slice into an Orange widget (if installed).
Added GUI for the new conditions process.
Separated tomwer’s Orange add-on widgets into three parts: control, reconstruction, and visualization.
data validator: Added three different options for loading images (just-in-time, on-demand, and load-as-soon-as-possible).
- doc
Added automatic screenshots for documentation generation.
- luigi
Added the first prototype (not functional yet).
0.2.0: 2018/07/16#
- dark & flat fields:
Added a process to manage dark and flat field creation (creates the median of the mean).
Managed copying of dark and flat fields if they don’t already exist in the repository.
- refactoring:
Moved tomwer core functions and Qt base widgets to the tomwer package.
The orangecontrib subpackage now only contains the Orange add-on.
- ftseries:
Removed the octave version previously read and loaded.
- data watcher:
Enabled parallel observations.
Skipped acquisition folders containing a .abo file (treated as if no data was available).
GUI refactoring.
- scan validator:
Added a GUI as a stack, allowing users to browse through it.
Added group slice to display all reconstructed slices received.
Added data selector: a simple GUI to select a scan from a list.
sample moved: Interface to display ‘key radios’ and check if the sample moved during acquisition.
- Added applications:
0.1.0: 2017/09/28#
- core features:
tomodir: (aka data watcher) Detects when an acquisition is finished and synchronizes data with the destination directory as soon as possible if the system is on lbsram.
ftseries: Interface for fastomo3 (Octave).
- orange add-on:
ftseries widget.
scan validator: Validates a scan or requests reconstruction with changed parameters.
data watcher.
data viewer.
data list.
data transfer.