.. _Tomoh52nx: h52nx tutorial ============== .. article-info:: :read-time: 10 min read :class-container: sd-p-2 sd-outline-muted sd-rounded-1 the `h52nx` application can be used to convert acquisition from hdf5/bliss to a nexus - NXtomo compliant format. This format will also be stored in .h5 / .hdf5 / .nx file. For comprehension we will use the nexus format (.nx) in this tutorial. To call this application you can call directly .. code-block:: bash $ nxtomomill h52nx [options] .. tip:: You can also call it direcly from python executable using: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m nxtomomill h52nx [options] Then you can convert bliss h5 file :ref:`h52nx_without_config_file` or :ref:`h52nx_with_config_file` .. _h52nx_without_config_file: without configuration file -------------------------- The first two parameters should be: * input-file-name: bliss.hdf5 master file, containing the details of the acquisition * output-file: destination file where result will be store. Sor for example to convert a file name 'bliss.hdf5' to a 'my_nxtomo_file.nx' you should call: .. code-block:: console $ python -m nxtomomill h52nx bliss.hdf5 my_nxtomo_file.nx .. tip:: you can provide an output directory instead of a file path. Then the file basename will remane the same, only the extension will be changed to .nx .. code-block:: console $ python -m nxtomomill h52nx bliss.hdf5 . .. versionchanged:: v0.13 if the output is not provided the default behavior is to create the NXtomo to the PROCESSED_DATA directory. To overstep this you can provide a directory. You can also access the help of h52nx by calling: .. code-block:: console $ python -m nxtomomill h52nx --help By default if some information are missing the converter will ask you for missing input (it can be the case of the incoming energy for example). If you want to avoid converter for information you can add the `--no-input` option. An acquisition file can contain several sequence (so several acquisition). `h52nx` will convert them all create one file per acquisition and one file referencing all acquisitions. You can ask the converter to keep all the acquisition into a single file using the '--single-file' option. Input type ^^^^^^^^^^ z-series """""""" z-series are handled by nxtomomill since 0.4. It will create one entry per 'z' found. XRD-CT """""" XRD-CT data is handle since 0.5. nxtomomill try to deduce the type from parsing the input file. It can fail sometime. You can enforce the the input type by using the "--xrd-ct-format" option from the command line. For XRD-CT we have a 'diode' dataset that does not appear for other input type. h52nx-settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `h5tonx` command is using the 'h5_to_nx' function from 'converter' module. This will used by default :ref:`h52nx-settings` defined in nxtomomill.settings.py file If you want you can overwrite them from the command line. camera name """"""""""" In order to know if an NXDetector should be converted or not it relies on 'H5_VALID_CAMERA_NAMES' defined in nxtomomill.settings.py. * If the value is None (default) then we will first try to retrieve group (under instrument) that are defined as an 'NXdetector' NX_class. If none are found then we try to retrieve group that 'looks' like a detector (containing a dataset name 'data' and which is of dimension 3). * It can also be set as a tuple of string. Each string is a detector name to be handle. Those can handle Linux wildcard (like 'frelon*') * the values defined in settings can be overwrite by `--valid_camera_names` option (see help). other (rotation angle, translation...) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Most of the key used to retrieve other operation can be overwrite from an option from command line .. code-block:: console $ nxtomomill h52nx --help convert data acquired as hdf5 from bliss to nexus `NXtomo` classes. For `zseries` it will create one entry per `z` positional arguments: input_file master file of the acquisition output_file output .nx or .h5 file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --file_extension FILE_EXTENSION extension of the output file. Valid values are .h5/.hdf5/.nx --single-file merge all scan sequence to the same output file. By default create one file per sequence and group all sequence in the output file --overwrite Do not ask for user permission to overwrite output files --debug Set logs to debug mode --entries ENTRIES Specify (root) entries to be converted. By default it will try to convert all existing entries. --ignore-sub-entries IGNORE_SUB_ENTRIES Specify (none-root) sub entries to ignore. --raises-error Raise errors if some data are not met instead of providing some default values --no-input, --no-input-for-missing-information The user won't be ask for any inputs --standard-format Format of the input file is the 'standard' tomography format --xrd-ct-format Format of the input file is the 'XRD-CT' tomography format --x_trans_keys X_TRANS_KEYS, --x-trans-keys X_TRANS_KEYS x translation key in bliss HDF5 file --y_trans_keys Y_TRANS_KEYS, --y-trans-keys Y_TRANS_KEYS y translation key in bliss HDF5 file --z_trans_keys Z_TRANS_KEYS, --z-trans-keys Z_TRANS_KEYS z translation key in bliss HDF5 file --valid_camera_names VALID_CAMERA_NAMES, --valid-camera-names VALID_CAMERA_NAMES Valid NXDetector dataset name to be considered. Otherwise willtry to deduce them from NX_class attibute (value should beNXdetector) or from instrument group child structure. --rot_angle_keys ROT_ANGLE_KEYS, --rot-angle-keys ROT_ANGLE_KEYS Valid dataset name for rotation angle --acq_expo_time_keys ACQ_EXPO_TIME_KEYS, --acq-expo-time-keys ACQ_EXPO_TIME_KEYS Valid dataset name for acquisition exposure time --x_pixel_size_key X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEY, --x-pixel-size-key X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEY X pixel size key to read --y_pixel_size_key Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEY, --y-pixel-size-key Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEY Y pixel size key to read --init_titles INIT_TITLES, --init-titles INIT_TITLES Titles corresponding to init scans --init_zserie_titles INIT_ZSERIE_TITLES, --init-zserie-titles INIT_ZSERIE_TITLES Titles corresponding to zserie init scans --dark_titles DARK_TITLES, --dark-titles DARK_TITLES Titles corresponding to dark scans --flat_titles --flat_titles --ref_titles FLAT_TITLES, --ref-titles FLAT_TITLES Titles corresponding to ref scans --proj_titles PROJ_TITLES, --proj-titles PROJ_TITLES Titles corresponding to projection scans --align_titles ALIGN_TITLES, --align-titles ALIGN_TITLES Titles corresponding to alignment scans --set-params [SET_PARAMS [SET_PARAMS ...]] Allow manual definition of some parameters. Valid parameters (and expected input unit) are: energy (kev), x_pixel_size (m), y_pixel_size (m). Should be added at the end of the command line because will try to cover all text set after this option. --config CONFIG, --config-file CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG, --configuration-file CONFIG file containing the full configuration to convert from h5 bliss to nexus .. _h52nx_with_config_file: with a configuration file ------------------------- Generate a default configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can create a default configuration file by calling .. code-block:: bash $ nxtomomill h5-config [output_conf_file.cfg] This will generate a configuration file based on the existing :ref:`Settings` that you can edit. Once the configuration file fit your needs you can execute it by calling h52nx. .. code-block:: bash $ nxtomomill h52nx input_bliss_file.h5 [output_nexus_file.nx] --config [output_conf_file.cfg] .. warning:: when you provide a configuration file to h52nx then no other input can be provided (excepted for the output file which is optional). .. note:: If you want to provide configuration from scan titles you can ignore the `FRAME_TYPE_SECTION` and generate a default configuration file with the option `--from-title-names`. On the contrary if you want to ignore the `ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION` you can use the `--from-scan-urls` option. Example of a configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: resources/default_hdf5_config.cfg :literal: .. warning:: the "data_scans" values from the `FRAME_TYPE_SECTION` section should be provided with indentation (at least one empty space. Otherwise they will be ignored by configparser. .. versionadded:: v0.9 There is a dedicated section reagarding PCO tomo. If the bliss acquisition is a detected as a PCOtomo by default it will generate `nb_tomo` * `nb_loop` NXtomo. And those will start from the first projections found. It might append you want to 'refine' NXtomo to generate and this is the goal of this section. Here is the details of the parameters: * `angle offset` (the *projections before will be ignored*. This will not affect the dark and the flat that will always be copied for pco tomo) * `tomo_n`: how many NXtomo you want to generate * `angle_interval_in_degree`: do you want to create NXtomo which will cover 180 or 360 degrees. * `shift_angles`: do you want to reset angles of the final NXtomo to 0 Constrain to the conversion --------------------------- *nxtomomill h52nx* will create an `HDF5 Virtual dataset `_ to create the /instrument/detector/data dataset. This `HDF5 Virtual dataset `_ require the creation of a `VirtualLayout `_ which force all the frame to the of the same data type (uint16, int32...) So if you have bliss scans (entries) with different data type the conversion will fail. If this happen then there is a bug wuith the bliss acquisition. Nevertheless there is a workaround for it. You can add to your ``instrument/{detector_name}`` group a dataset named ``data_cast`` near the ``data`` dataset. If it exist then it will be picked by *nxtomomill h52nx* instead of the ``data`` dataset. Of course this second dataset must have a coherent type with the rest of the acquisition. .. warning:: Be caution with the casting. .. hint:: You can find `here a script casting a dataset to another type `_