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# coding: utf-8
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contains the HDF5Config

__authors__ = ["H. Payno", "J.Garriga"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "08/07/2021"

import configparser
import logging
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

from import DataUrl

from nxtomo.nxobject.nxdetector import FieldOfView

from nxtomomill import settings
from import utils
from import ConfigBase
from import FrameGroup
from nxtomomill.utils import Format

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _example_fg_list(with_comment=True, with_prefix=False) -> str:
    Print a simple example of providing a list of FrameGroup from str

    fg_1 = FrameGroup(
            file_path="/path/to/file", data_path="/path/to/scan/node", scheme="silx"
    fg_2 = FrameGroup(
    if with_comment:
        comment = "# "
        comment = ""
    if with_prefix:
        prefix = "data_scans = "
        prefix = ""

    return """
{comment}    {fg_1},
{comment}    {fg_2},
            only_data_path=False, with_copy=True, with_prefix_key=True
            only_data_path=True, with_copy=False, with_prefix_key=True

[docs]class TomoHDF5Config(ConfigBase): """ Configuration class to provide to the convert from h5 to nx """ # note: sections names are expected to be upper case, sections keys are expected to be lower case # General section keys GENERAL_SECTION_DK = "GENERAL_SECTION" INPUT_FILE_DK = "input_file" OUTPUT_FILE_DK = "output_file" OVERWRITE_DK = "overwrite" FILE_EXTENSION_DK = "file_extension" LOG_LEVEL_DK = "log_level" RAISES_ERROR_DK = "raises_error" NO_INPUT_DK = "no_input" INPUT_FORMAT_DK = "format" SINGLE_FILE_DK = "single_file" FIELD_OF_VIEW_DK = "field_of_view" HANDLE_MACHINE_CURRENT = "create_control_data" IGNORE_BLISS_TOMO_CONFIG = "ignore_bliss_tomo_config" COMMENTS_GENERAL_SECTION = { GENERAL_SECTION_DK: "general information. \n", INPUT_FILE_DK: "input file if not provided must be provided from the command line", OUTPUT_FILE_DK: "output file name. If not provided will use the input file basename and the file extension", OVERWRITE_DK: "overwrite output files if exists without asking", FILE_EXTENSION_DK: "file extension. Ignored if the output file is provided and contains an extension", LOG_LEVEL_DK: 'Log level. Valid levels are "debug", "info", "warning" and "error"', RAISES_ERROR_DK: "raise an error when met one. Otherwise continue and display an error log", NO_INPUT_DK: "Ask or not the user for any inputs (if missing information)", INPUT_FORMAT_DK: 'acquisition type. If not provided will try to guess it. Valid values are "standard", "xrd-ct" and "" if undetermined', SINGLE_FILE_DK: "If True then will create a single file for all found sequences. " "If false create one nexus file per sequence and one master file with links to each sequence", IGNORE_BLISS_TOMO_CONFIG: "On recent bliss file (2023) a dedicated group specify datasets to be used for tomography. Defining for example translations, rotation, etc. If True then this group will be ignored and conversion will fallback on using path list provided in the KEYS section", FIELD_OF_VIEW_DK: "Force output to be a `Full` or a `Half` acquisition. If not provided we parse raw data to try to find this information.", HANDLE_MACHINE_CURRENT: "Generate control/data (aka machine current). This part will need to interpolate from existing values and can take time in some cases.", } # KEYS SECTION KEYS_SECTION_DK = "KEYS_SECTION" VALID_CAMERA_DK = "valid_camera_names" ROT_ANGLE_DK = "rotation_angle_keys" X_TRANS_KEYS_DK = "x_translation_keys" Y_TRANS_KEYS_DK = "y_translation_keys" Z_TRANS_KEYS_DK = "z_translation_keys" Y_ROT_KEYS_DK = "y_rot_keys" DIODE_KEYS_DK = "diode_keys" ACQUISITION_EXPO_TIME_KEYS_DK = "exposure_time_keys" COMMENTS_KEYS_SECTION = { KEYS_SECTION_DK: "Identify specific path and datasets names to retrieve information from the bliss file. \n", VALID_CAMERA_DK: "Nxtomomill will try to deduce cameras from dataset " "metadata and shape if none provided (default)." "If provided take the one requested. unix " "shell-style wildcards are managed", ROT_ANGLE_DK: "List of key to look for in order to find rotation angle", X_TRANS_KEYS_DK: "List of keys / paths to look for in order to find translation in x", Y_TRANS_KEYS_DK: "List of keys / paths to look for in order to find translation in y", Z_TRANS_KEYS_DK: "List of /paths keys to look for in order to find translation in z", Y_ROT_KEYS_DK: "Key used to deduce the estimated center of rotation for half acquisition", DIODE_KEYS_DK: "List of keys to look for diode (if any)", ACQUISITION_EXPO_TIME_KEYS_DK: "List of keys to look for the exposure time", } # ENTRIES AND TITLES SECTION ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK = "ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION" ENTRIES_DK = "entries" SUB_ENTRIES_TO_IGNORE = "sub_entries_to_ignore" INIT_TITLES_DK = "init_titles" ZSERIE_INIT_TITLES_DK = "zserie_init_titles" DARK_TITLES_DK = "dark_titles" FLAT_TITLES_DK = "flat_titles" FLAT_TILES_ALIASES = ("ref_titles",) PROJ_TITLES_DK = "proj_titles" ALIGNMENT_TITLES_DK = "alignment_titles" X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK = "x_pixel_keys" Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK = "y_pixel_keys" SAMPLE_DETECTOR_DISTANCE_DK = "sample_detector_distance" COMMENTS_ENTRIES_TITLES_SECTION = { ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK: "optional section \n" "# define titles meaning. Titles allows frame type deduction for each group.\n", ENTRIES_DK: "List of root entries (sequence initialization) to convert. If not provided will convert all root entries", SUB_ENTRIES_TO_IGNORE: "List of sub entries (non-root) to ignore", ACQUISITION_EXPO_TIME_KEYS_DK: "List of keys to look for the exposure time", INIT_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as a initialization (sequence start). Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", ZSERIE_INIT_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as a zserie initialization (sequence start). Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", DARK_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as a dark. Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", FLAT_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as a reference / flat. Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", PROJ_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as a projection. Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", ALIGNMENT_TITLES_DK: "List of title to consider the group/entry as an alignment. Ignored if dark_groups, flat_groups, projection_groups ... are provided.", X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK: "List of keys / paths to look for the x pixel size", Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK: "List of keys / paths to look for the y pixel size", SAMPLE_DETECTOR_DISTANCE_DK: "List of keys / paths to look for sample to detector distance", } # FRAMES TYPE SECTION FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK = "FRAME_TYPE_SECTION" DATA_DK = "data_scans" DEFAULT_DATA_COPY_DK = "default_data_copy" COMMENTS_FRAME_TYPE_SECTION = { FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK: "optional section\n" "# Allows to define scan to be used for NXTomo conversion\n" "# The sequence order will follow the order provided.\n", DATA_DK: "list of scans to be converted. Frame type should be " "provided for each scan.\n# Expected format is:\n" "# * `frame_type` (mandatory): values can be `projection`, `flat`, " "`dark`, `alignment` or `init`. \n" "# * `entry` (mandatory): DataUrl with path to the scan to integrate. " "If the scan is contained in the input_file then you can only provide " "path/name of the scan. \n" "# * copy (optional): you can provide a different behavior for the " "this scan (should we duplicate data or not) \n", DEFAULT_DATA_COPY_DK: "You can duplicate data inside the input file or create a link to the original frames. " "In this case you should keep the relative position of the files", } # PCO Tomo specific section PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK = "PCOTOMO_SECTION" PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK = "start_angle_offset_in_degree" PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK = "angle_interval_in_degree" PCOTOMO_N_NXTOMO_DK = "n_nxtomo" PCOTOMO_SHIFT_ANGLES_DK = "shift_angles" COMMENTS_PCOTOMO_SECTION = { PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK: "pcotomo specific section (handled for first version of the pcotomo: bliss < 1.9)\n", PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK: f"If provided then acquisition parameters `nb_loop` and `nb_tomo` will be ignored. Instead `tomo_n` NXtomo will be created from pcotomo. All angles before `{PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK}` will be ignored", PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK: f"Angle interval - range to create if '{PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK}' is provided. 180 or 360 is expected", PCOTOMO_N_NXTOMO_DK: f"If '{PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK}' provided then specify the number of NXtomo to create. If -1 provided then will create as much NXtomo as possible", PCOTOMO_SHIFT_ANGLES_DK: f"shift all angle NXtomo angle to `{PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK}` interval by shifting them of {PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK} + {PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK}", } # extra params section EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK = "EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION" EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK = "energy_kev" EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK_ALIASES = ("energy",) EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK = "x_pixel_size_m" EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES = ("x_pixel_size",) EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK = "y_pixel_size_m" EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES = ("y_pixel_size",) EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE = "detector_sample_distance_m" EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE_ALIASES = ("detector_sample_distance",) EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DEFAULT_VALID_KEYS = ( EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK, EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK, EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK, EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE, ) EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_VALID_KEYS = ( *EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DEFAULT_VALID_KEYS, *EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK_ALIASES, *EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES, *EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES, *EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE_ALIASES, ) EXTRA_PARAMS_ALIASES = { EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK: EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK_ALIASES, EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK: EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES, EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK: EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK_ALIASES, EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE: EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE_ALIASES, } COMMENTS_EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION = { EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK: "optional section\n" "# you can predefined values which are missing in the input .h5 file\n" f"# Handled parameters are {EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DEFAULT_VALID_KEYS}" } COMMENTS = COMMENTS_GENERAL_SECTION COMMENTS.update(COMMENTS_KEYS_SECTION) COMMENTS.update(COMMENTS_ENTRIES_TITLES_SECTION) COMMENTS.update(COMMENTS_FRAME_TYPE_SECTION) COMMENTS.update(COMMENTS_PCOTOMO_SECTION) COMMENTS.update(COMMENTS_EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION) __isfrozen = False # to ease API and avoid setting wrong attributes we 'freeze' the attributes # see
[docs] @staticmethod def get_extra_params_default_unit(key) -> str: """return the default unit for the extra parameters that can be defined by the user""" if key in ( TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_DISTANCE, TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_X_PIXEL_SIZE_DK, TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_Y_PIXEL_SIZE_DK, ): return "m" elif key in (TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_DK): return "keV" else: raise ValueError(f"No default unit for {key}")
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._set_freeze(False) # general information self._input_file = None self._raises_error = False self._no_input = False self._format = Format.STANDARD self._single_file = False self._bam_single_file = False self._handle_machine_current = True # a single file is create by default if there is only one entry per file. # but we can enfore multi-file writing self._ignore_bliss_tomo_config = False # on recent ebs tomo (2023) we have a tomo_config group which specify # the dataset to use for rotation, translation... if set to True then this group will be ignore # and we will fallback on checking the list of provided paths # information regarding keys and paths self._valid_camera_names = settings.Tomo.H5.VALID_CAMERA_NAMES self._rot_angle_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.ROT_ANGLE_KEYS self._x_trans_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.X_TRANS_KEYS self._y_trans_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.Y_TRANS_KEYS self._z_trans_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.Z_TRANS_KEYS self._y_rot_key = settings.Tomo.H5.Y_ROT_KEY self._diode_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.DIODE_KEYS self._expo_time_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.ACQ_EXPO_TIME_KEYS self._sample_detector_distance_keys = settings.Tomo.H5.DISTANCE_KEYS self._machine_electric_current_keys = ( settings.Tomo.H5.MACHINE_ELECTRIC_CURRENT_KEYS ) # information regarding titles self._entries = None self._sub_entries_to_ignore = None self._init_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.INIT_TITLES self._zserie_init_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.ZSERIE_INIT_TITLES self._pcotomo_init_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.PCOTOMO_INIT_TITLES self._dark_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.DARK_TITLES self._flat_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.FLAT_TITLES self._projection_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.PROJ_TITLES self._alignment_titles = settings.Tomo.H5.ALIGNMENT_TITLES self._x_pixel_size_paths = settings.Tomo.H5.X_PIXEL_SIZE self._y_pixel_size_paths = settings.Tomo.H5.Y_PIXEL_SIZE # information regarding frames types definition self._data_grps_urls = tuple() self._default_copy_behavior = False # specific information regarding pcotomo self._pcotomo_start_angle_offset = None # once all the pcotomo will be split we can take a sub section of it starting at _pcotomo_start_angle and covering _pcotomo_angle_interval. self._pcotomo_scan_range = 360 # must be in degree. If set to None will go until the end self._pcotomo_shift_angles = False # if True will shift angles of (- _pcotomo_start_angle) self._pcotomo_m_nxtomo = -1 # how many nx_tomo we want to create if pcotomo start angle is provided. If set to -1 algorithm will compute how many NXtomo we can create based on scan_range and acquisition rotation_angle # should we check for tomo_n contain in the init sequence self._check_tomo_n = True # extra options self._param_already_defined = {} self._set_freeze(True)
@property def input_file(self) -> Union[None, str]: return self._input_file @input_file.setter def input_file(self, input_file: Union[None, str]): if not isinstance(input_file, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"'input_file' should be None or an instance of Iterable. Not {type(input_file)}" ) elif input_file in ("", None): self._input_file = None else: if "/mnt/multipath-shares" in input_file: # no simple workaround. abspath return a path with '/mnt/multipath-shares' "looks like raw data is given with '/mnt/multipath-shares' prefix. Icat will fail on it. Must remove it. No proper other handling found :()" ) # small workaround to fix abspath. Should not be the case anymore so raise an error input_file = input_file.replace("/mnt/multipath-shares", "") self._input_file = input_file @property def raises_error(self): return self._raises_error @raises_error.setter def raises_error(self, raises_error: bool): if not isinstance(raises_error, bool): raise TypeError("'raises_error' should be a boolean") else: self._raises_error = raises_error @property def no_input(self): return self._no_input @no_input.setter def no_input(self, no_input): if not isinstance(no_input, bool): raise TypeError("'raises_error' should be a boolean") else: self._no_input = no_input @property def request_input(self) -> bool: return not self._no_input @request_input.setter def request_input(self, request: bool): assert isinstance(request, bool), "request should be a bool" self._no_input = not request @property def format(self): return self._format @format.setter def format(self, format_: Union[None, str]): if format_ is None: self._format = None else: self._format = Format.from_value(format_) @property def is_xrdc_ct(self): return self._format == Format.XRD_CT @property def is_3d_xrd(self): return self._format == Format.XRD_3D @property def single_file(self): return self._single_file @single_file.setter def single_file(self, single_file): if not isinstance(single_file, bool): raise TypeError("'single_file' should be a boolean") else: self._single_file = single_file @property def bam_single_file(self): return self._bam_single_file @bam_single_file.setter def bam_single_file(self, bam: bool): if not isinstance(bam, bool): raise TypeError("'bam' should be a boolean") else: self._bam_single_file = bam @property def handle_machine_current(self): return self._handle_machine_current @handle_machine_current.setter def handle_machine_current(self, handle_machine_current: bool): if not isinstance(handle_machine_current, bool): raise TypeError("'handle_machine_current' should be a boolean") else: self._handle_machine_current = handle_machine_current @property def ignore_bliss_tomo_config(self) -> bool: return self._ignore_bliss_tomo_config @ignore_bliss_tomo_config.setter def ignore_bliss_tomo_config(self, ignore: bool): assert isinstance(ignore, bool), "ignore is expected to be a boolean" self._ignore_bliss_tomo_config = ignore # Keys section @property def valid_camera_names(self) -> Union[None, tuple]: return self._valid_camera_names @valid_camera_names.setter def valid_camera_names(self, names: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if names == "None": self._valid_camera_names = None elif isinstance(names, str): raise TypeError("'names' should be None or an instance of Iterable") elif not isinstance(names, (Iterable, type(None))): raise TypeError("'names' should be None or an instance of Iterable") else: assert not isinstance(names, str), f"'{names}'" self._valid_camera_names = names @property def y_rot_key(self) -> str: return self._y_rot_key @y_rot_key.setter def y_rot_key(self, key) -> None: if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("'key' should be a string") else: self._y_rot_key = key @property def diode_keys(self) -> Iterable: return self._diode_keys @diode_keys.setter def diode_keys(self, keys: Iterable) -> None: if not isinstance(keys, Iterable): raise TypeError("'keys' should be an Iterable") else: self._diode_keys = keys @property def exposition_time_keys(self) -> Iterable: return self._expo_time_keys @exposition_time_keys.setter def exposition_time_keys(self, keys: Iterable) -> None: if not isinstance(keys, Iterable): raise TypeError("'keys' should be an Iterable") else: self._expo_time_keys = keys # entries section @property def entries(self) -> Union[None, tuple]: return self._entries @entries.setter def entries(self, entries: Union[None, tuple]): if not isinstance(entries, (type(None), tuple)): raise ValueError("entries should be None or an instance of Iterable") elif entries is None: self._entries = None else: entries = self._parse_frame_urls(entries) entries = tuple([self._fix_entry_name(entry) for entry in entries]) if len(entries) == 0: self._entries = None else: self._entries = entries @staticmethod def _fix_entry_name(entry: DataUrl): """simple util function to insure the entry start by a "/""" if not isinstance(entry, DataUrl): raise TypeError("entry is expected to be a DataUrl") if not entry.data_path().startswith("/"): entry = DataUrl( scheme=entry.scheme(), data_slice=entry.scheme(), file_path=entry.file_path(), data_path="/" + entry.data_path(), ) return entry @property def sub_entries_to_ignore(self) -> Union[None, tuple]: return self._sub_entries_to_ignore @sub_entries_to_ignore.setter def sub_entries_to_ignore(self, entries: Union[None, tuple]): if not isinstance(entries, (type(None), tuple)): raise ValueError("entries should be None or an instance of Iterable") elif entries is None: self._sub_entries_to_ignore = None else: entries = self._parse_frame_urls(entries) entries = tuple([self._fix_entry_name(entry) for entry in entries]) self._sub_entries_to_ignore = entries # titles section @property def init_titles(self) -> Union[Iterable, None]: return self._init_titles @init_titles.setter def init_titles(self, titles: Union[Iterable, None]) -> None: if titles is None: self._init_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._init_titles = tuple(titles) @property def zserie_init_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._zserie_init_titles @zserie_init_titles.setter def zserie_init_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._zserie_init_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._zserie_init_titles = titles @property def pcotomo_init_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._pcotomo_init_titles @pcotomo_init_titles.setter def pcotomo_init_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._pcotomo_init_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._pcotomo_init_titles = titles @property def dark_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._dark_titles @dark_titles.setter def dark_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._dark_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._dark_titles = titles @property def flat_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._flat_titles @flat_titles.setter def flat_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._flat_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._flat_titles = titles @property def projections_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._projection_titles @projections_titles.setter def projections_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._projection_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._projection_titles = titles @property def alignment_titles(self) -> Union[None, Iterable]: return self._alignment_titles @alignment_titles.setter def alignment_titles(self, titles: Union[None, Iterable]) -> None: if titles is None: self._alignment_titles = None elif not isinstance(titles, Iterable): raise TypeError("'titles' should be None or an Iterable") else: self._alignment_titles = titles @property def x_pixel_size_paths(self) -> Iterable: return self._x_pixel_size_paths @x_pixel_size_paths.setter def x_pixel_size_paths(self, paths): if not isinstance(paths, Iterable): raise TypeError("'paths should be an Iterable") else: self._x_pixel_size_paths = paths @property def y_pixel_size_paths(self) -> Iterable: return self._y_pixel_size_paths @y_pixel_size_paths.setter def y_pixel_size_paths(self, paths): if not isinstance(paths, Iterable): raise TypeError("'paths should be an Iterable") else: self._y_pixel_size_paths = paths @property def sample_detector_distance_paths(self): return self._sample_detector_distance_keys @sample_detector_distance_paths.setter def sample_detector_distance_paths(self, paths): if not isinstance(paths, Iterable): raise TypeError("'paths should be an Iterable") else: self._sample_detector_distance_keys = paths # frame type definition def _parse_frame_urls(self, urls: tuple): """ Insure urls is None or a list of valid DataUrl """ if urls in ("", None): return tuple() res = [] for i_url, url in enumerate(urls): if isinstance(url, str): if url == "": continue elif utils.is_url_path(url): url = DataUrl(path=url) else: url = DataUrl(data_path=url, scheme="silx") if not isinstance(url, DataUrl): raise ValueError( "urls tuple should contains DataUrl. " f"Not {type(url)} at index {i_url}" ) else: res.append(url) return tuple(res) @property def data_frame_grps(self) -> tuple: return self._data_grps_urls @data_frame_grps.setter def data_frame_grps(self, frame_grps: tuple): for frame_grp in frame_grps: if not isinstance(frame_grp, FrameGroup): raise TypeError( "frame_grps is expected to contain only " f"instances of FrameGroup. Not {type(frame_grp)}" ) self._data_grps_urls = frame_grps @property def default_copy_behavior(self) -> bool: return self._default_copy_behavior @default_copy_behavior.setter def default_copy_behavior(self, copy_: bool): if not isinstance(copy_, bool): raise TypeError("`copy_` should be a boolean") else: self._default_copy_behavior = copy_ # pcotomo specific parameters @property def pcotomo_start_angle_offset(self) -> float: """ If provided then `nb_loop` and `nb_turn` values will be ignored and splitting will be done as follow: * take a subselection of the NXtomo based on pcotomo_start_angle_offset and tomo_n * split this sub selection to tomo_n NXtomo * shift angle if requested Angle is expected to be in degree (when set). **The offset is always relative to the first projection angle value** """ return self._pcotomo_start_angle_offset @pcotomo_start_angle_offset.setter def pcotomo_start_angle_offset(self, start_angle: Optional[float]) -> None: if start_angle is None: self._pcotomo_start_angle_offset = None else: self._pcotomo_start_angle_offset = float(start_angle) @property def pcotomo_scan_range(self) -> Optional[float]: """ if we want to take a subset of the NXtomo for the pcotomo we can define an interval. Interval must be in degree. If None we expect to take the full interval. """ return self._pcotomo_scan_range @pcotomo_scan_range.setter def pcotomo_scan_range(self, interval: Union[float, None]): if interval is None: self._pcotomo_scan_range = None else: self._pcotomo_scan_range = float(interval) @property def pcotomo_shift_angles(self) -> bool: return self._pcotomo_shift_angles @pcotomo_shift_angles.setter def pcotomo_shift_angles(self, shift: bool): if not isinstance(shift, bool): raise TypeError(f"Shift is expected to be a bool. Not {type(shift)}") self._pcotomo_shift_angles = shift @property def pcotomo_n_nxtomo(self) -> int: return self._pcotomo_m_nxtomo @pcotomo_n_nxtomo.setter def pcotomo_n_nxtomo(self, n_nxtomo: int): if not isinstance(n_nxtomo, int): raise TypeError( f"tomo_n is expected to be a int when {type(n_nxtomo)} provided" ) self._pcotomo_m_nxtomo = n_nxtomo # parameters already defined @property def param_already_defined(self) -> dict: return self._param_already_defined @param_already_defined.setter def param_already_defined(self, params: dict): if not isinstance(params, dict): raise TypeError("dict expected") else: self._param_already_defined = params # utils functions @property def is_using_titles(self) -> bool: return not self.is_using_urls @property def is_using_urls(self) -> bool: """ Return true if we want to use urls for darks, flats, projections instead of titles """ return not (len(self.data_frame_grps) == 0) @property def check_tomo_n(self): return self._check_tomo_n @check_tomo_n.setter def check_tomo_n(self, check: bool): if not isinstance(check, bool): raise TypeError("'check' is expected to be a boolean") self._check_tomo_n = check
[docs] def clear_titles(self): """ set all titles to empty tuple """ self.dark_titles = tuple() self.flat_titles = tuple() self.projections_titles = tuple() self.alignment_titles = tuple()
[docs] def clear_entries_and_subentries(self): """ clear entries and sub_entries_to_ignore """ self.entries = None self.sub_entries_to_ignore = None
# to_dict / from_dict functions
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """convert the configuration to a dictionary""" return { self.GENERAL_SECTION_DK: { self.INPUT_FILE_DK: self.input_file or "", self.OUTPUT_FILE_DK: self.output_file or "", self.OVERWRITE_DK: self.overwrite, self.FILE_EXTENSION_DK: self.file_extension.value, self.LOG_LEVEL_DK: logging.getLevelName(self.log_level).lower(), self.RAISES_ERROR_DK: self.raises_error, self.NO_INPUT_DK: self.no_input, self.SINGLE_FILE_DK: self.single_file, self.INPUT_FORMAT_DK: self.format.value if self.format else "", self.IGNORE_BLISS_TOMO_CONFIG: self._ignore_bliss_tomo_config, self.FIELD_OF_VIEW_DK: ( self.field_of_view.value if self.field_of_view else "" ), self.HANDLE_MACHINE_CURRENT: self.handle_machine_current, }, self.KEYS_SECTION_DK: { TomoHDF5Config.VALID_CAMERA_DK: self.valid_camera_names or "", TomoHDF5Config.ROT_ANGLE_DK: self.rotation_angle_keys, TomoHDF5Config.X_TRANS_KEYS_DK: self.x_trans_keys, TomoHDF5Config.Y_TRANS_KEYS_DK: self.y_trans_keys, TomoHDF5Config.Z_TRANS_KEYS_DK: self.z_trans_keys, TomoHDF5Config.Y_ROT_KEYS_DK: self.y_rot_key, TomoHDF5Config.DIODE_KEYS_DK: self.diode_keys, TomoHDF5Config.ACQUISITION_EXPO_TIME_KEYS_DK: self.exposition_time_keys, TomoHDF5Config.X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK: self.x_pixel_size_paths, TomoHDF5Config.Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK: self.y_pixel_size_paths, TomoHDF5Config.SAMPLE_DETECTOR_DISTANCE_DK: self.sample_detector_distance_paths, }, self.ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK: { TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_DK: self.entries or "", TomoHDF5Config.SUB_ENTRIES_TO_IGNORE: self.sub_entries_to_ignore or "", TomoHDF5Config.INIT_TITLES_DK: self.init_titles or "", TomoHDF5Config.ZSERIE_INIT_TITLES_DK: self.zserie_init_titles or "", TomoHDF5Config.DARK_TITLES_DK: self.dark_titles or "", TomoHDF5Config.FLAT_TITLES_DK: self.flat_titles or "", TomoHDF5Config.PROJ_TITLES_DK: self.projections_titles or "", TomoHDF5Config.ALIGNMENT_TITLES_DK: self.alignment_titles or "", }, self.FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK: { TomoHDF5Config.DATA_DK: FrameGroup.list_to_str(self.data_frame_grps), TomoHDF5Config.DEFAULT_DATA_COPY_DK: self.default_copy_behavior, }, self.PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK: { TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK: self.pcotomo_start_angle_offset, TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_N_NXTOMO_DK: self.pcotomo_n_nxtomo, TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK: self.pcotomo_scan_range, TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SHIFT_ANGLES_DK: self.pcotomo_shift_angles, }, self.EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK: self._param_already_defined, }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dict_: dict): r""" Create a HDF5Config object and set it from values contained in the dictionary :param dict\_: settings dictionary :return: HDF5Config """ config = TomoHDF5Config() config.load_from_dict(dict_) return config
[docs] def load_from_dict(self, dict_: dict) -> None: """Load the configuration from a dictionary""" # Convert keys to upper case (expected to be section names: always in ipper case) dict_ = {key.upper(): value for key, value in dict_.items()} # general section if TomoHDF5Config.GENERAL_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_general_section(dict_[TomoHDF5Config.GENERAL_SECTION_DK]) else: _logger.error(f"No {TomoHDF5Config.GENERAL_SECTION_DK} section found") # keys section if TomoHDF5Config.KEYS_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_keys_section(dict_[TomoHDF5Config.KEYS_SECTION_DK]) else: mess = f"No {TomoHDF5Config.KEYS_SECTION_DK} section found" if TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK not in dict_: _logger.error(mess) else: # entries and titles section if TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_entries_titles_section( dict_[TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK] ) else: mess = f"No {TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_AND_TITLES_SECTION_DK} section found" if TomoHDF5Config.KEYS_SECTION_DK not in dict_: _logger.error(mess) else: # frame type section if TomoHDF5Config.FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_frame_type_section(dict_[TomoHDF5Config.FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK]) else: _logger.error(f"No {TomoHDF5Config.FRAME_TYPE_SECTION_DK} section found") if TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_pcotomo_section(dict_[TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK]) else:"No {TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SECTION_DK} section found") # extra params section if TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_extra_params_section( dict_[TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK] ) else: _logger.error(f"No {TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_SECTION_DK} section found")
def load_general_section(self, dict_): self.input_file = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.INPUT_FILE_DK, None) self.output_file = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.OUTPUT_FILE_DK, None) overwrite = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.OVERWRITE_DK, None) if overwrite is not None: self.overwrite = utils.convert_str_to_bool(overwrite) file_extension = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.FILE_EXTENSION_DK, None) if file_extension is not None: self.file_extension = utils.filter_str_def(file_extension) log_level = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.LOG_LEVEL_DK, None) if log_level is not None: self.log_level = log_level raises_error = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.RAISES_ERROR_DK, None) if raises_error is not None: self.raises_error = utils.convert_str_to_bool(raises_error) no_input = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.NO_INPUT_DK, None) if no_input is not None: self.no_input = utils.convert_str_to_bool(no_input) single_file = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.SINGLE_FILE_DK, None) if single_file is not None: self.single_file = utils.convert_str_to_bool(single_file) handle_machine_current = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.HANDLE_MACHINE_CURRENT, None) if handle_machine_current is not None: self.handle_machine_current = utils.convert_str_to_bool( handle_machine_current ) input_format = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.INPUT_FORMAT_DK, None) if input_format is not None: if input_format == "": input_format = None self.format = utils.filter_str_def(input_format) ignore_bliss_tomo_config = dict_.get( TomoHDF5Config.IGNORE_BLISS_TOMO_CONFIG, None ) if ignore_bliss_tomo_config is not None: self._ignore_bliss_tomo_config = utils.convert_str_to_bool( ignore_bliss_tomo_config ) field_of_view = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.FIELD_OF_VIEW_DK, None) if field_of_view is not None: if field_of_view == "": field_of_view = None self.field_of_view = field_of_view def load_keys_section(self, dict_): # handle valid camera names. empty string is consider as a valid value valid_camera_names = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.VALID_CAMERA_DK, None) if valid_camera_names in ("", "none", "None", None): valid_camera_names = None else: valid_camera_names = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( valid_camera_names, none_if_empty=True ) self.valid_camera_names = valid_camera_names # handle rotation angles. rotation_angle_keys = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.ROT_ANGLE_DK, None) if rotation_angle_keys is not None: rotation_angle_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( rotation_angle_keys, none_if_empty=True ) self.rotation_angle_keys = rotation_angle_keys # handle x translation x_trans_keys = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.X_TRANS_KEYS_DK, None) if x_trans_keys is not None: x_trans_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(x_trans_keys, none_if_empty=True) self.x_trans_keys = x_trans_keys # handle y translation y_trans_keys = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.Y_TRANS_KEYS_DK, None) if y_trans_keys is not None: y_trans_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(y_trans_keys, none_if_empty=True) self.y_trans_keys = y_trans_keys # handle z translation z_trans_keys = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.Z_TRANS_KEYS_DK, None) if z_trans_keys is not None: z_trans_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(z_trans_keys, none_if_empty=True) self.z_trans_keys = z_trans_keys # handle y rotation keys y_rot_key = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.Y_ROT_KEYS_DK, None) if y_rot_key is not None: self.y_rot_key = y_rot_key # handle diode keys diode_keys = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.DIODE_KEYS_DK, None) if diode_keys is not None: diode_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(diode_keys, none_if_empty=True) self.diode_keys = diode_keys # handle exposure time exposition_time_keys = dict_.get( TomoHDF5Config.ACQUISITION_EXPO_TIME_KEYS_DK, None ) if exposition_time_keys is not None: exposition_time_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( exposition_time_keys, none_if_empty=True ) self.exposition_time_keys = exposition_time_keys # handle x pixel paths x_pixel_size_paths = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.X_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK, None) if x_pixel_size_paths is not None: x_pixel_size_paths = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( x_pixel_size_paths, none_if_empty=True ) self.x_pixel_size_paths = x_pixel_size_paths # handle y pixel paths y_pixel_size_paths = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.Y_PIXEL_SIZE_KEYS_DK, None) if y_pixel_size_paths is not None: y_pixel_size_paths = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( y_pixel_size_paths, none_if_empty=True ) self.y_pixel_size_paths = y_pixel_size_paths # handle sample detector distance paths sample_detector_distance_paths = dict_.get( TomoHDF5Config.SAMPLE_DETECTOR_DISTANCE_DK, None ) if sample_detector_distance_paths is not None: sample_detector_distance_paths = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( sample_detector_distance_paths, none_if_empty=True ) self.sample_detector_distance_paths = sample_detector_distance_paths def load_entries_titles_section(self, dict_): # handle entries to convert entries = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.ENTRIES_DK) if entries is not None: entries = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(entries, none_if_empty=True) self.entries = entries # handle init titles. empty string is consider as a valid value init_titles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.INIT_TITLES_DK, None) if init_titles is not None: init_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(init_titles, none_if_empty=True) self.init_titles = init_titles # handle zserie init titles. empty string is consider as a valid value zserie_init_titles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.ZSERIE_INIT_TITLES_DK, None) if zserie_init_titles is not None: zserie_init_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( zserie_init_titles, none_if_empty=True ) self.zserie_init_titles = zserie_init_titles # handle dark titles. empty string is consider as a valid value dark_titles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.DARK_TITLES_DK, None) if dark_titles is not None: dark_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(dark_titles, none_if_empty=True) self.dark_titles = dark_titles # handle ref titles. empty string is consider as a valid value flat_titles_dks = [ TomoHDF5Config.FLAT_TITLES_DK, ] flat_titles_dks.extend(TomoHDF5Config.FLAT_TILES_ALIASES) flat_title_key_picked = None # handle flat titles for alias in flat_titles_dks: flat_titles = dict_.get(alias, None) if flat_titles is not None: if flat_title_key_picked is not None: _logger.warning( f"flat titles are provided twice under {flat_title_key_picked} and {alias}. Please clean your configuration file. {flat_title_key_picked} will be used" ) else: flat_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( flat_titles, none_if_empty=True ) self.flat_titles = flat_titles flat_title_key_picked = alias if ( flat_title_key_picked is not None and flat_title_key_picked != TomoHDF5Config.FLAT_TITLES_DK ): _logger.warning( f"{flat_title_key_picked} will be removed in the future. Please use {TomoHDF5Config.FLAT_TITLES_DK} instead" ) # handle projection titles. empty string is consider as a valid value proj_titles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.PROJ_TITLES_DK, None) if proj_titles is not None: proj_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(proj_titles, none_if_empty=True) self.projections_titles = proj_titles # handle alignment titles. empty string is consider as a valid value alignment_titles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.ALIGNMENT_TITLES_DK, None) if alignment_titles is not None: alignment_titles = utils.convert_str_to_tuple( alignment_titles, none_if_empty=True ) self.alignment_titles = alignment_titles def load_frame_type_section(self, dict_): # urls data_urls = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.DATA_DK, None) if data_urls is not None: data_urls = utils.convert_str_to_frame_grp(data_urls) self.data_frame_grps = data_urls default_copy_behavior = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.DEFAULT_DATA_COPY_DK, None) if default_copy_behavior is not None: self.default_copy_behavior = default_copy_behavior == "True" def load_pcotomo_section(self, dict_): pcotomo_start_angle_offset = dict_.get( TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_START_ANGLE_OFFSET_DK, None ) if pcotomo_start_angle_offset not in (None, "None", "none", "NONE"): self.pcotomo_start_angle_offset = float(pcotomo_start_angle_offset) if TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK in dict_: pcotomo_angle_interval = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SCAN_RANGE_DK) if pcotomo_angle_interval in (None, "None", "none", "NONE"): self.pcotomo_scan_range = None else: self.pcotomo_scan_range = pcotomo_angle_interval if TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_N_NXTOMO_DK in dict_: pcotomo_tomo_n = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_N_NXTOMO_DK) if pcotomo_tomo_n not in ("", None, "None", "none", "NONE"): self.pcotomo_n_nxtomo = int(pcotomo_tomo_n) pcotomo_shift_angles = dict_.get(TomoHDF5Config.PCOTOMO_SHIFT_ANGLES_DK, None) if pcotomo_shift_angles is not None: if pcotomo_shift_angles in (True, "True"): self.pcotomo_shift_angles = True elif pcotomo_shift_angles in (False, "False"): self.pcotomo_shift_angles = False def load_extra_params_section(self, dict_): for key, value in dict_.items(): if key in TomoHDF5Config.EXTRA_PARAMS_ENERGY_VALID_KEYS: self._param_already_defined.update({key: value}) else: _logger.warning(f"{key} is not a handled key") def to_cfg_file(self, file_path: str): # TODO: add some generic information like:provided order of the tuple # will be the effective one. You can provide a key from it names if # it is contained in the positioners group # maybe split in sub section ? self.dict_to_cfg(file_path=file_path, dict_=self.to_dict()) @staticmethod def dict_to_cfg(file_path, dict_): """ """ return ConfigBase._dict_to_cfg( file_path=file_path, dict_=dict_, comments_fct=TomoHDF5Config.get_comments, logger=_logger, ) @staticmethod def from_cfg_file(file_path: str, encoding=None): assert file_path is not None, "file_path should not be None" config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True), encoding=encoding) return TomoHDF5Config.from_dict(config_parser) @staticmethod def get_comments(key): return TomoHDF5Config.COMMENTS[key]
[docs]class XRD3DHDF5Config(TomoHDF5Config): ROCKING_KEYS_DK = "ROCKING_KEYS" TomoHDF5Config.COMMENTS.update( { ROCKING_KEYS_DK: "List of keys to look for in order to find rocking angle", } )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._set_freeze(False) self._rocking_keys = settings.XRD3D.H5.ROCKING_KEYS self._format = Format.XRD_3D self._set_freeze(True)
@property def rocking_keys(self) -> Iterable: return self._rocking_keys @rocking_keys.setter def rocking_keys(self, keys) -> None: if not isinstance(keys, Iterable): raise TypeError("'keys' should be an Iterable") else: self._rocking_keys = keys @staticmethod def from_cfg_file(file_path: str, encoding=None): assert file_path is not None, "file_path should not be None" config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True), encoding=encoding) return XRD3DHDF5Config.from_dict(config_parser) def load_keys_3dxrd_section(self, dict_): rocking_keys = dict_.get(XRD3DHDF5Config.ROCKING_KEYS_DK, None) # handle rocking if rocking_keys is not None: rocking_keys = utils.convert_str_to_tuple(rocking_keys, none_if_empty=True) self.rocking_keys = rocking_keys
[docs] def load_from_dict(self, dict_: dict) -> None: """Load the configuration from a dictionary""" super().load_from_dict(dict_) # general section if self.KEYS_SECTION_DK in dict_: self.load_keys_3dxrd_section(dict_[self.KEYS_SECTION_DK]) else: _logger.error(f"No {self.KEYS_SECTION_DK} section found")
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """convert the configuration to a dictionary""" _dict = super().to_dict() _dict[XRD3DHDF5Config.KEYS_SECTION_DK].update( { XRD3DHDF5Config.ROCKING_KEYS_DK: self.rocking_keys, } ) return _dict
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dict_: dict): r""" Create a HDF5Config object and set it from values contained in the dictionary :param dict\_: settings dictionary :return: HDF5Config """ config = XRD3DHDF5Config() config.load_from_dict(dict_) return config
[docs]class DXFileConfiguration:
[docs] def __init__(self, input_file: str, output_file: Union[str, None] = None): self._input_file = input_file self._output_file = output_file self._file_extension = ".nx" self._copy_data = True self._input_entry = ("/",) self._output_entry = "entry0000" self._scan_range = (0, 180) self._pixel_size = (None, None) self._field_of_view = None self._distance = 1.0 self._overwrite = True self._energy = None
@property def input_file(self): return self._input_file @property def input_entry(self): return self._input_entry @input_entry.setter def input_entry(self, entry): self._input_entry = entry @property def output_file(self): return self._output_file @output_file.setter def output_file(self, output_file): self._output_file = output_file @property def output_entry(self): return self._output_entry @output_entry.setter def output_entry(self, entry): self._output_entry = entry @property def scan_range(self): return self._scan_range @scan_range.setter def scan_range(self, scan_range): self._scan_range = scan_range @property def copy_data(self): return self._copy_data @copy_data.setter def copy_data(self, copy): self._copy_data = copy @property def overwrite(self): return self._overwrite @overwrite.setter def overwrite(self, overwrite): self._overwrite = overwrite @property def distance(self) -> Union[float, None]: return self._distance @property def energy(self) -> Union[float, None]: return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): self._energy = energy @distance.setter def distance(self, distance): self._distance = distance @property def field_of_view(self) -> Union[FieldOfView, None]: return self._field_of_view @field_of_view.setter def field_of_view(self, fov): self._field_of_view = fov @property def file_extension(self): return self._file_extension @file_extension.setter def file_extension(self, extension): self._file_extension = extension @property def pixel_size(self): return self._pixel_size @pixel_size.setter def pixel_size(self, pixel_size): self._pixel_size = pixel_size
[docs]def generate_default_h5_config(config_3dxrd=False) -> dict: """generate a default configuration for converting hdf5 to nx""" if config_3dxrd: return XRD3DHDF5Config().to_dict() else: return TomoHDF5Config().to_dict()