Source code for nxtomomill.converter.hdf5.acquisition.utils

# coding: utf-8

Utils related to bliss-HDF5

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterable

import h5py
import numpy
from import DataUrl
from import h5py_read_dataset
from import open as open_hdf5

from nxtomo.nxobject.nxdetector import ImageKey
from import AcquisitionStep
from import TomoHDF5Config

    import hdf5plugin  # noqa F401
except ImportError:
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]def has_valid_detector(node, detectors_names): """ :return True if the node looks like a valid nx detector """ for key in node.keys(): if ( "NX_class" in node[key].attrs and node[key].attrs["NX_class"] == "NXdetector" ): if detectors_names is None or key in detectors_names: return True return False
[docs]def get_entry_type( url: DataUrl, configuration: TomoHDF5Config ) -> AcquisitionStep | None: """ :param url: bliss scan url to type :return: return the step of the acquisition or None if cannot find it. """ if not isinstance(url, DataUrl): raise TypeError(f"DataUrl is expected. Not {type(url)}") if url.data_slice() is not None: raise ValueError( "url expect to provide a link to bliss scan. Slice " "are not handled" ) def _get_entry_type_from_title(entry: h5py.Group): """ try to determine the entry type from the title """ try: title = h5py_read_dataset(entry["title"]) except Exception: _logger.error(f"fail to find title for {}, skip this group") return None else: init_titles = list(configuration.init_titles) init_titles.extend(configuration.zserie_init_titles) init_titles.extend(configuration.pcotomo_init_titles) step_titles = { AcquisitionStep.INITIALIZATION: init_titles, AcquisitionStep.DARK: configuration.dark_titles, AcquisitionStep.FLAT: configuration.flat_titles, AcquisitionStep.PROJECTION: configuration.projections_titles, AcquisitionStep.ALIGNMENT: configuration.alignment_titles, } for step, titles in step_titles.items(): for title_start in titles: if title.startswith(title_start): return step return None def _get_entry_type_from_technique(entry: h5py.Group): """ try to determine entry type from the scan/technique sub groups. If this is a flat then we expect to have a "flat" group. If this is a set of projection we expect to have a "proj" group. For now alignment / return are unfiled """ group_technique = entry.get("technique", dict()) if "image_key" not in group_technique: return None image_key = h5py_read_dataset(group_technique["image_key"]) if image_key is None: return None else: try: image_key = ImageKey.from_value(image_key) except ValueError: _logger.error(f"unrecognized image key: '{image_key}'") return None else: connections = { ImageKey.DARK_FIELD: AcquisitionStep.DARK, ImageKey.FLAT_FIELD: AcquisitionStep.FLAT, ImageKey.PROJECTION: AcquisitionStep.PROJECTION, ImageKey.ALIGNMENT: AcquisitionStep.ALIGNMENT, } return connections.get(image_key, None) with open_hdf5(url.file_path()) as h5f: if url.data_path() not in h5f: raise ValueError(f"Provided path does not exists: {url}") entry = h5f[url.data_path()] if not isinstance(entry, h5py.Group): raise ValueError( f"Expected path is not related to a h5py.Group ({entry}) when expect to target a bliss entry." ) return _get_entry_type_from_technique(entry) or _get_entry_type_from_title( entry )
[docs]def get_nx_detectors(node: h5py.Group) -> tuple: """ :param node: node to inspect :return: tuple of NXdetector (h5py.Group) contained in `node` (expected to be the `instrument` group) """ if not isinstance(node, h5py.Group): raise TypeError("node should be an instance of h5py.Group") nx_detectors = [] for _, subnode in node.items(): if isinstance(subnode, h5py.Group) and "NX_class" in subnode.attrs: if subnode.attrs["NX_class"] == "NXdetector": if "data" in subnode and hasattr(subnode["data"], "ndim"): if subnode["data"].ndim == 3: nx_detectors.append(subnode) nx_detectors = sorted(nx_detectors, key=lambda det: return tuple(nx_detectors)
[docs]def guess_nx_detector(node: h5py.Group) -> tuple: """ Try to guess what can be an nx_detector without using the "NXdetector" NX_class attribute. Expect to find a 3D dataset named 'data' under a subnode """ if not isinstance(node, h5py.Group): raise TypeError("node should be an instance of h5py.Group") nx_detectors = [] for _, subnode in node.items(): if isinstance(subnode, h5py.Group) and "data" in subnode: if isinstance(subnode["data"], h5py.Dataset) and subnode["data"].ndim == 3: nx_detectors.append(subnode) nx_detectors = sorted(nx_detectors, key=lambda det: return tuple(nx_detectors)
[docs]def deduce_machine_current(timestamps: tuple, known_machine_current: dict) -> tuple: """ :param known_machine_current: keys are timestamp. Value is machine current :param timestamps: timestamp for which we want to get machine current """ if not isinstance(known_machine_current, dict): raise TypeError("known_machine_current is expected to be a dict") for elmt in timestamps: if not isinstance(elmt, numpy.datetime64): raise TypeError( f"Elements of timestamps are expected to be {numpy.datetime64} and not {type(elmt)}" ) if len(known_machine_current) == 0: raise ValueError("known_machine_current should contain at least one element") for key, value in known_machine_current.items(): if not isinstance(key, numpy.datetime64): raise TypeError( f"known_machine_current keys are expected to be instances of {numpy.datetime64} and not {type(key)}" ) if not isinstance(value, (float, numpy.number)): raise TypeError( "known_machine_current values are expected to be instances of float" ) # 1. Order **known** machine current by time stamps (key) known_machine_current = dict(sorted(known_machine_current.items())) known_timestamps = numpy.array( list(known_machine_current.keys()), dtype="datetime64[ns]" ) known_machine_current_values = numpy.array(list(known_machine_current.values())) # 2. Sort the supplied timestamps timestamps_sorted = numpy.sort(numpy.array(timestamps, dtype="datetime64[ns]")) # 3. Convert to float for numpy.interp known_timestamps_float = known_timestamps.astype("float64") timestamps_float = timestamps_sorted.astype("float64") # 4. Interpolate the values interpolated_values = numpy.interp( timestamps_float, known_timestamps_float, known_machine_current_values ) # 5. Reorder interpolated values to match the order of original timestamps ordered_interpolated_values = numpy.zeros_like(interpolated_values) for i, timestamp in enumerate(timestamps): ordered_interpolated_values[i] = interpolated_values[ numpy.where(timestamps_sorted == timestamp)[0][0] ] return tuple(ordered_interpolated_values)
[docs]def split_timestamps(my_array: Iterable, n_part: int): """ split given array into n_part (as equal as possible) :param Iterable my_array: """ array_size = len(my_array) if array_size < n_part: yield my_array else: start = 0 for _ in range(n_part): end = max(start + int(array_size / n_part) + 1, array_size) yield my_array[start:end] start = end
[docs]def group_series(acquisition, list_of_series: list) -> list: """ :param ZSeriesBaseAcquisition acquisition: z-series version 2 and 3 are all defined in a separate sequence. So we need to aggregate for post processing based on there names. post-processing can be dark / flat copy to others NXtomo """ for series in list_of_series: if series[0].is_part_of_same_series(acquisition): series.append(acquisition) return list_of_series list_of_series.append( [ acquisition, ] ) return list_of_series