Source code for

Application to split a file containing several NXtomo entries into several files containing each a single NXtomo

.. code-block:: bash

    usage: nxtomomill split-nxfile [-h] [--overwrite] [--duplicate-data [DUPLICATE_DATA]] input_file [output_file_pattern]

    split a file containing several NXtomo (at root level) into multiple files containing each a single NXtomo

    positional arguments:
    input_file            File containing NXtomo to be split into several files
    output_file_pattern   output file pattern. Must contain `{entry_name}` or `{index}` pattern to make sure it is unique

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --overwrite           Do not ask for user permission to overwrite output files
    --duplicate-data [DUPLICATE_DATA]
                            Make all NXtomo free of any external link. As a result this will duplicate data


import os
import argparse
import logging
import string

from nxtomo.application.nxtomo import NXtomo
from tomoscan.esrf.scan.nxtomoscan import NXtomoScan
from import open as open_hdf5

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def main(argv): """ """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="split a file containing several NXtomo (at root level) into multiple files containing each a single NXtomo" ) parser.add_argument( "input_file", help="File containing NXtomo to be split into several files", nargs="?", ) parser.add_argument( "output_file_pattern", help="output file pattern. Must contain `{entry_name}` or `{index}` pattern to make sure it is unique", default="{input_file_name}_{entry_name}.nx", nargs="?", ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", help="Do not ask for user permission to overwrite output files", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--duplicate-data", help="Make all NXtomo free of any external link. As a result this will duplicate data", nargs="?", ) options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) output_file_pattern = options.output_file_pattern if "{input_file_name}" in output_file_pattern: output_file_pattern = output_file_pattern.format( { "output_file_pattern": os.path.splitext(options.input_file), } ) split( input_file=options.input_file, output_file_pattern=output_file_pattern, overwrite=options.overwrite, )
[docs]def split( input_file: str, output_file_pattern: str, overwrite: bool = False, duplicate_data: bool = False, ) -> tuple: """ :param str input_file: path to the file to be splitted :param str output_file_pattern: pattern of the file to create. Must contain either `{entry_name}` or `{index}` :param bool overwrite: can we overwrite output file if alread exists :return: tuple of identifier of all the NXtomo generated :rtype: tuple """ def get_output_file(index: int, entry_name: str, pattern: str) -> str: """ treat 'pattern' to create the expected output file """ keywords = { "entry_name": entry_name, "index": index, } # filter necessary keywords def get_necessary_keywords(): formatter = string.Formatter() return [field for _, field, _, _ in formatter.parse(pattern) if field] requested_keywords = get_necessary_keywords() def keyword_needed(pair): keyword, _ = pair return keyword in requested_keywords keywords = dict(filter(keyword_needed, keywords.items())) if len(keywords) == 0: raise ValueError( "pattern should at least contains keywords '{index}' or '{entry_name}' to be format. Else unable to create a unique file per NXtomo" ) return os.path.abspath(pattern.format(**keywords)) if duplicate_data: detector_data_as = "as_numpy_array" else: detector_data_as = "as_data_url" result = [] with open_hdf5(input_file) as h5f: for i_entry, entry in enumerate(h5f.keys()): try: nx_tomo = NXtomo("").load( input_file, entry, detector_data_as=detector_data_as ) except Exception as e: _logger.error( f"Fail to treat entry {entry}. Error is {e}. Is this a valid Nxtomo ?" ) else: output_file = get_output_file( index=i_entry, entry_name=entry, pattern=output_file_pattern ) dirname = os.path.dirname(output_file) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) file_path=output_file, data_path=entry, overwrite=overwrite ) result.append(NXtomoScan(output_file, entry)) return tuple(result)