Change Log#
1.3: unreleased#
NXtomoDetectorDataSplitter: ‘split’: prefer using ‘tomo_n’ instead of ‘nb_part’ (PR 53)
1.2: 2024/01/25#
- Doc
split tutorial into two tutorials (edit and create from scratch)
- misc
handle silx 2.0
move to pydata sphinx theme
1.1: 2023/09/27#
- application
- NXtomo
deprecate NXtomo ‘node_name’ constructor parameter (and ignore it now if provided)
make ‘data_path’ parameter mandatory
1.0: 2023/08/07#
Initial version.
- application
NXtomo: application definition for x-ray or neutron tomography raw data.
- nxobject
nxdetector: nexus object to represent a detector
nxinstrument: nexus object for a collection of the components of the instrument or beamline.
nxmonitor: nexus object for monitor of incident beam data.
nxobject: base class
nxsample: nexus object for information on the sample
nxsource: nexus object for neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility.
nxtransformations: nexus object for collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe a geometry
- paths
define paths of the different dataset to be used - according to a ‘nexus_version’